What the new Apple emojis really mean?


It won't be long before these emoji are used in multiple ways ___________________________________________________(除了明显会被用来表明观点,当做俏皮话外)

And not to _________________________(为你预测所有的文本), but it's a good time to start learning about what's on the way and how you can use them.

What kind of emoji are _________________(新一批的)?

  • the obvious to make a point or a punchline

  • go all predictive text on you

  • in the new batch

You can use them for literal messages or sometimes to even ________________________________(传达与你想要表达的东西相反的文字信息).

This set of newcomers can help you decide what to ____ ____(用餐) but they can also introduce new terms of ____(对爱人的称呼) into your conversations.

For example, the cupcake emoji, which so far is much less controversial than the ____(百吉饼) emoji, could be a sweet new way to ____(称呼) a loved one, though the bagel could be ______________________________(和杯子蛋糕一起出现,作为拥抱的符号使用).

  • convey the literal opposite of what you want to say

  • snack on, endearment

  • bagel, address, used as a symbol for cuddling along with the cupcaking

Yes, this one can mean lettuce, salad or even ____(MARIJUANA,大麻) if you like to use ____ ____(说唱说辞).

But there's also hidden pun potential behind this leafy emoji. 

____ ____(你最好是觉得) this blue dude is going to mean more than it's not hot outside. 

Think of it as a new ____(回敬) in social exchanges when someone is being just a little bit too cold, an emoji to express extreme chill ____________________________(就气氛而言), or a symbol for being so embarrassed or scared that you're just totally frozen.

  • cannabis, rap parlance

  • hidden pun potential

  • Best believe

  • retort, in the vibes sense

Here's one: if someone is making it hard for you to score (in life or on the field), they're _____________________________(搞乱你的计划).

So, um... 谁将成为下一个茄子?

The not-so-humble eggplant emoji has come to be known as a symbol for male private parts, and while it will probably _______________________(有段时间备受青睐), there might be ______________________(新的激烈的竞争对手)

The flamboyant, feathery new peacock emoji seems to have the potential to go long on sexy ____ ____(暗语).

  • throwing salt in your game (throw salt on someone's game:  to mess up someone's plan)

  • what's going to be the new eggplant?

  • stay in favor for some time, some stiff new competition

  • text innuendo


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